What happens at my appointment?

The average time spent at an appointment is approximately 2 hours. During this time you will be asked to register as a patient, this can be done on arrival or you can download the registration forms here and fill them out before your appointment. An assessment of your vision will be made by our professional technicians, this may include your field of vision, photography of your eyes, and scans of the front and back of your eyes. Your ocular and medical histories will be taken, drops will be placed in your eyes to dilate your pupils and your vision will usually be blurred by these drops for about 4-6 hours. It is illegal to drive while these drops have dilated your pupils so it may be beneficial to bring a driver or arrange transport to collect you from the centre. An examination of your glasses will also be made. Please be aware if you have been made an appointment at short notice or urgently, you may have to stay longer during the appointment.